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Healing pad made of GaNS strains that are still in the development phase or do not exist at all.
Please order only by arrangement.
e. g.
tea herb for better concentration
hair growth
Please enter the type of variety at the end of the order process in the comments field, thank you.
The motifs/labels of these healing pads are also not yet fixed, the pictures are to be understood as sketches of principles.
Short infos in general for all our healing pads:
-No open
-Water resistant
- balance everything around 35cm, eg. Painful body cells, fluids and much more.
Effect in many people not only physically, but also on their consciousness and even on the environment.
inside a cell, impregnated with the corresponding GaNS variety, then
dried, then sprayed with EM (Effective microorganisms), dadrum printed
printer paper, glued with soft, water-resistant, transparent adhesive
- Diameter of symbols: about 3 cm
-Size of the complete healing pad: about 4.5 x 4.5 cm
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