Payment & Shipping

Payment options, please pay in advance:

1st PayPal account:
For direct payment please click here:
Please leave out the checkbox "You pay for goods or services" (send money to friends and family) this saves the annoying Paypal fee. Buyer protection see AGBs.

2. bank transfer:
Account holder: Dirk Brüggen
IBAN: EN11201100223002263270
Bank: Postbank (savings)

3. Bitcoin and ETH, gladly, on request.

Shipping options:

-free of charge with healing pads. (simple envelope).
-within Germany Hermes Päckchen 4.90eur (preferred).
-foreign, very complicated, by arrangement, DHL, 10 to 30eur, flat rate 20eur appear on the invoice.
 Will be adjusted later by hand and if necessary transferred back or credited, depending on the customer's request.
The best thing is to wait for my further eMail, that the order is in process. This should arrive one or two days after the order. Or just have a look at the DHL site yourself, smile.