Attention, this internet store is no longer supported and will be shut down soon!Please do not order here in the old store anymore, thank you.The current links to the new Plasma-Shops can be found For the harmonization of explosive-engine vehicles.Both petrol and diesel, car and motorcycles and others.Theoretically also suitable for electric vehicles, since electro-smok will produce, this is harmonized by the coils.The engine runs more quietly, wear parts last longer, fuel consumption drops.The ride is more comfortable.The battery is strengthened.At the beginning the fuel consumption fluctuates, sometimes more, sometimes less, but on average the consumption is less from the beginning.How far the consumption sinks is not to say at least 10%, but we had in part already 50% from the beginning and the consumption is to go down even over time.Content:2 pieces of fire and / or NaOH coated copper coils, these come directly to the battery, they are sufficiently insulated and have no current conducting connection.40ml of GaNS water (distilled water). This comes in all liquids from the vehicle: petrol tank, oil, cooling water, sprinkling system, accumulator acid (if possible).The spark plug (s) or glow plugs should also be coated, this is included in the price.Please send us a set of candles by post. The most suitable are used candles, I polish them before, so they also function.Mail address will be delivered by email.Note:Please make an oil change after a short period of time, as the GaNS could cause waste matter in the oil bath.This product has not yet been produced (there are only a few prototypes). Due to the high demand there is already a war list, please use eMail or contact field to get to the list, thank you.
Attention, this internet store is no longer supported and will be shut down soon!Please do not order here in the old store anymore, thank you.The current links to the new Plasma-Shops can be found fan reactor cigarette lighter plugexact description later.
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